We are pleased to share the South Florida Business Council (SFBC) recently completed its tri-county breakfast briefing series. The three events focused on promoting the benefits of taking a region-wide approach to critical issues and invited community leaders to support and engage in our mission.
During each breakfast, our team met with some of the most influential figures across a number of regional industries and the feedback was unanimous: the power of acting as a region is clear, whether it’s to court a large corporation, win funding or address community needs. Together we add impact and reduce overlap.
We also heard the same frustrations in each of the three counties– we send more money to Tallahassee than we receive in return, and other markets who go in with consolidated agendas reap the rewards. As the 12th largest economy in the United States by GDP, South Florida deserves and should demand more.
The breakfasts also served as an opportunity to discuss SFBC’s current Top 5 Watch List, an overview of the top five issues facing South Florida, as well as to receive feedback from breakfast participants regarding the 2020 list of priorities.  
We invite you to stay informed of our actions and progress by going to and subscribing to our email feeds. You can also join the discussion by engaging with us on our LinkedIn page. 

As we continue to explore issues and outcomes, we trust you will resolve to work with us for the betterment of South Florida.  Thank you for your commitment and courage to maintain and grow our economy. #SFBC1Voice


The SFBC’s founding members, the Chamber of Commerce of the Palm Beaches, the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce work together to spotlight critical issues affecting the South Florida Region. Together, the chambers expect to use their combined power to make the region a better place to live, work and enjoy.

To learn more, visit
